First, I would like to say that I have been anticipating this film for months, counting the days even marked it on my calendar. I was excited to see this film.
I’m giving it one star because it doesn’t give me the option to give it zero or negative stars.
This movie was absolutely horrible a disgrace. Some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. The use of green screen was so obvious you would think that it was a brand new technology that no one knew how to use the storyline horrible I literally have nothing good to say about this film, I can’t believe Cuba Gooding did this film. This was the worst acting I ever watched. Who watched this film and said that it was theater worthy? Had I paid to see this movie not only would I demand my money back, I would want money for pain and suffering because it was painful to watch and I will suffer with the memories of sitting through it.
I have no pleasure in what I have to say about this film, as a Christian I find it embarrassing. They make Christianity out to be a last minute resort to living a worldly life. This promotes water down Christianity this is the new age Christianity.
For anyone still reading this, if you don’t know Jesus, introduce yourself to him, allow him to introduce himself to you. Open the Bible go to the New Testament and learn a little bit about him, allow him to speak to you. Learn what he stands for then examine your own heart and just be open to Constructive criticism and see where it leads you.