Completely different story than the books. And they have made comments that they will continue to deviate from the storyline. If you want to write your own story, you should write your own story. If you want to share a story with others, tell the story. I know the books are really difficult to make into a TV show, but you can't go changing the foundation of the story. I understand cutting parts out better than what they did, which was replace much of the story with scenes that never happened. I feel no connection to any of the characters after watching this. They could have done so much to make those connections instead of following around a warder that commits suicide. This show is sad. I would love to hear what Robert Jordan would say about this series. I personally believe epics like this are difficult to adapt, but I think making it animated would have been the better bet. It is much easier to have the storyline closer to what it actually is. I give this series a 1 star due to the bad storyline (not just the changes). The acting gets 4 stars. The actor that plays Mat gets 5 stars.