As soon as I watched it, I had to come read what others thought of it.
After reading MANY, I came to a much different conclusion, I DID NOT related this what so ever to climage change, (seeing a comet has zero to do with climate) nor a pre warning of anything to do with climate.
I enjoyed the politics of it and seen this in the opposite of many viewers.
You have a female president her spoiled son who enjoys a Hollywood aspect of life, it shows how easily people are manipulated by what the media displays, how the rich persuade and aline in government affairs.
We have 3 common folk, two astrologers, one nasa, all three having degrees. All begging to bring light to the plannet destroying comet heading to earth, they go to the media who instead of taking the matter serious, make a fool of "Kate"-Jennifer Lawrence, blasting memes ext, meanwhile Leonardo is trying to tell the world scientists like him who are trying to speak out are being fired/canceled from telling the public the truth (sound familiar? Lots of canceling from the left when the right TRIES to show you the truth, but are made out more like a Jennifer Lawrence with the media telling you there is no comet, yet,.. there is!!)
Meanwhile screaming at people to simply "LOOK UP!!"-You can literally SEE the comet the media is saying does not exist.
Those trying to connect dots between Donald Trump and Coronavirus are nuts because the media has NEVER taken Trump's side, instead they make Trump out to be "the crazy one"
I definitely seen this as leftist Meryl's entire team vs right side, Decaprio/Lawrence.
Meryl (the president) does not listen to science, but a man, a very rich man, who ends helping the commet destroy earth (again, sound familiar? Sorry, but left wingers get their information from rich wealthy people, not actual people with PhD's ext...)
Had they listened to nasa and experts, the commet could have been blown up into smaller pieces, but, they went the "get richer" route and using the excuse "it will help the poor! 🤣😂
Dems DEFINITELY love to use that line when it really only lines the pockets of the wealthy!
The president instead listened to the wealthy alliance and thought the gain outweighed the possibility of destruction because the science was not 100% although Decaprio tells her "no science is 100% but it was 97% chance it would hit)
I did relate that to the virus, there is a 98% chance of survival, yet the government uses the media to push fear of a vax Noone really needs because the government gets very rich from those vaxes)
So, in the end, they all die,.. Hopefully this isn't the future of the vaxed that didn't listen to the science that continues to get "canceled"
the rich attempted to start a life on a new planet, but were killed by again, because the rich man is a raving lunatic, but they followed him anyways,, right into their own demise..
Then we see there was one survived still holding the football 😂
I loved the movie though, I loved the prayers at the end, because at the end, only God has a say, we also see a table full of strangers who realise they had it all, simply love and family is all anyone needs.
Funny, entertaining, some what suspenseful, good movie!