This game is good... if you have a decent PC setup and direct ethernet connection. Otherwise, the online play is as bad as SFV, maybe even worse. I own the Switch version and sometimes it won't even let me enter the online menu. When the online matchmaking decides to work, the netcode is one-sided. You lag while your opponent looks like they won a dozen tournaments, but I don't blame the devs for that. Not every platform fighter can have the budget Smash Bros has, I get that. However, calling this the "Smash Bros killer" is a term reserved for competitive Melee players who want to switch to another game since the big N killed the tournament scene. This game is meant to be played by Melee veterans, there's no doubt about it. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but any kid starting out on this game will pick it up to try out online matches and be highly disappointed or annoyed. Don't listen to Meleetubers and wait until the devs can fix the online play. However, the gameplay is fast and addictive. So, there's still hope in the future for this game to blow up competitively. Also, you can play as Avatar characters, which is based in its own right.