I bought the DVD because I like musicals and remember seeing this on commercial TV when I was a kid (I think). I recalled the general premise and had heard the more popular tunes years ago. Still, I had the DVD sitting around a long time and finally got to viewing it, thinking that I might look for a Blu-Ray version if I liked it. Now I have to say it's at the bottom of my must-have list or top of my "meh" list. I feel that the dance sequences are way too long and the choreography could have provided a much more evocative and concise promotion of the plot. I love other movies starrring Gene Kelly and the others, but surely the great talents here could have protrayed the emotion better without running into the feeling of "here's some more of the steps we can do." I don't remember how much may have been chopped out for commercials in the early TV showings, but this movie may be a case that benefitted from it.