It's fantastic. It's much better if you have some knowledge of the classic game. Some things to know about the remake, It takes about 35 to 45, maybe even 50 hrs to complete, there are 18 chapters, you CAN go back and select a chapter after one playthrough if you forgot a trophy or something, Classic mode's kinda like FF12 battle system, but easy and normal are more of a Kingdom hearts style system.
It does have the soundtrack from the original game, same battle theme and all, which makes the experience SO much more nostalgic, but I think it's enhanced, not really re-orchestrated, to sound more modern day.
It doesn't have a FFXV feel, which is a good thing. You can easily tell it's still good ol FFVII. Summons are great, if you summon Ifrit for example, he fights by your side for a bit until the gauge runs out, he delivers a devastating blow before disappearing!
My personal rating for the FF7 remake is 9.5/10. Only because the game ended lol.
So yeah, there's alot to do in the game, and I highly recommend you go and buy it, and play it, and have some fun :)