I disagree with a lot of the official reviews. People seemed to have expected this show to be like the Office when it feels closer to Last Man on Earth’s style. I think Space Force achieved “character being handed a ridiculous job they don’t want to do but doing their best” quite well. You have moments where Mark Naird is a real ignorant jerk, but then there’s others like the budget hearing where he shows he’s not a trigger happy leader and he wants to help make the ridiculousness of Space Force legitimate. It’s important to also realize that this isn’t Michael Scott running Space Force. I feel like once viewers take off their Steve Carrell as only Michael Scott goggles, they’ll appreciate this show a lot more. The same issue would come up if Neil Patrick Harris stared in a new comedy show; viewers would struggle to shake their expectation of him acting like anything but Barney Stinson.
Some parts felt a bit forced or unfunny, but honestly the Office had a rocky first season where it was also just trying to find its own voice. I feel like Space Force is in the same boat. The character development will improve with the series as it goes on, as will the jokes. Also I genuinely thought the chimp episode was hilarious.