This game simply sucks. It’s so shallow, none of the characters are given any meaningful development so I couldn’t care about them through the story. I suppose they probably had something to do with the prior game but as someone who hasn’t played FC5 id hope this game and characters could stand on its own. Also for some insane reason your character doesn’t speak?! Why? He just silently stands there and kills people so again I don’t have any connection to him. I have no clue why they did this as it’s not done in FC3 and FC4 so they know how to do it. Just feels lazy on the part of the devs although they may have been rushed. So I don’t care about any of my allies (besides timber) or my character and the antagonists are just awful. Yes, far cry, a series known for its epic likeable antagonists has dropped the ball on this one. Furthermore our character is really dumb and does stupid stuff you just have to watch unfold. Finally the game feels really easy compared to previous far cry titles and it’s just boring.