I am still watching it, I have not finished it, But By Far, The Best Indian Series I have Ever Given Time too. Much Appreciation to the Writer and the Director for trying to give us a good Historical View of the Whole Series. It was missing in some Scenes like for Picture, Especially when he had to Capture a Huge Crowd, but i would understand, it could have been expensive for a better Crowd Capture. But Over all, I would say, its a better Version of The Game of thrones Hype. Yes, it definitely has that kind of Hype, I would like for the Writer to continue with such good work, Although this was History but the Works were very good, there was no Dragging of any sort, the Tension was on Point, The Casting was Perfect. Much Acclaim for Rajat Tokas and Parahdi, Beautiful Work. I could go on and on about this... Watch this if you have not. It worth every Episode.