A very beautiful game
Actaully it was very fun
The storyline
The physics
The soundtrack
The combat style
The reality in the game
The main character and the minor characters are the best
Many says that hanging out with frineds are bad but I really like hanging out with some friends
The easter eggs
The available-to-enter places are amazing !
The three dlcs are very terible man !
The only thing that i didn't like is why there are many cars are unused in the game like the rhino and why they didn't add it on the game and add it on the dlcs ? The same thing with the items
+ there is no berber shops in the game and this is a very disappointing thing and why there is no diving ? And why there is no car customization ? Actually car customing in grand theft auro san andreas was terrible man and with gta iv cars it's could be amazing so why rockstar why ? I think this four things are the only disappointing things in the game and every other thing make the game better
This wonderful game deserves 5 by 5 and thank you .