Spoilers: So a guy fakes proof in a trial, gets caught, suffers no consequences and then gets engaged to the protagonist mother who ignores this. Seriously the plot holes and complete lack of story and character development are so blindingly obvious that this show hurts my eyes. There are standout storylines that are interesting but the lack of pacing makes this such a drudge to watch. Seriously, a white woman who is friends with a police officer and works for the DA doesn't know how to get a psychopath arrested or barred from working in the court? Her mother is unlikable from jump and has no character development that makes any viewer care about her or be surprised that she's unnecessary. What was the point if the snitches scene in season 1? The plot devices are so basic that the entire show seems like it was written up over bong shots and not even good bong shots. Reggie! Maybe the formulaic this goes here, ignore that part works for everyone else, but seriously this is not good. The actors and viewers deserve better. But this is CBS show, so I'll say the retirement homes and hospitals also deserve better.