What regurgitated mess of a remake did I just watch? I heard it was bad, so I put off watching it untill now. After watching that mess of a movie filled with forced agendas, obvious line changes out of fear of offending anything breathing, rushed scenes, and zero character development. I am sorely and utterly disappointed. You couldn't connect with the characters at all. That endeering, immersive, and emotional ride that the original animated movie took you on as you bonded with even the smallest of characters, has been completely removed from this current rendition. It is a stripped down and bland. It's was like "national geographic-a bad lip reading." I'm not even going to get started on what they did to Rafiki.... Or the lack there of.
After watching this travesty, I am going to rewatch the original 1994 animated movie. Hopefully this will wash away the train wreck of a movie this was.
In short... It defiled a great animated movie that will never get old. Will never lose the message it gave, and will always transcend time.
I will admit that the CGI was immaculate. Kudos to the team that worked on it. The voice actors were an all star cast.