To be fair, as of right now the game Isint in a great state. With bugs, UI issues and gameplay issues. However the main two things that make me give this game a 5 star is the fact that DICE is on top of all of these issues and are releasing patches and fixes almost every week. On top of that, this game is pretty fun. Yeah it’s very buggy and there’s alot missing from previous games, but you gotta remember battlefield 4 also launched in a terrible state and slowly got better to the point where now it’s one of the best games in the franchise. I think battlefield 2042 with some time will become a much better game, not to mention that as of right now it’s still extremely fun. Gunplay is great and is arguably the best in the series. (There are hit registration issues but that will be fixed.) vehicles are fun and time to kill feels pretty solid. I like the story behind the game and I genuinely do feel that within 4-8 months this game will be amazing and maybe one of the best in the series.
Objectives are a little to far spread out and some maps have barely any cover to get to them. However it’s not terrible and when a team uses vehicles correctly then it’s not as big of ah issue.
Scoreboard, while it’s not amazing I’m sure they’ll be a UI fix and will include one later.
Nearby medics and gun count DICE has confirmed will be fixed and more guns will added.
Despite all the negative reviews honestly you should just try the game yourself. If you have a Xbox of PC and get EA play which is 5 bucks a month you can try it out. And even though it may feel lackluster compared to previous battlefield games I genuinely believe with some more time it’ll become a much better game. Not to mention again it’s still really fun right now if you can handle some issues.
Thanks for reading my review :) this is just my opinion nothing against anyone else’s opinion.