I like the show and characters. It is entertaining but does the head of the hospitol need to do EVERYTHING himself? I mean the only thing I haven't seen him do is put candy in the vending machines. It has become so annoying to me that I nea rrd ly stopped watching a few times. This last episode starts off with him directing maintenance on how he wants the snow shoveled. Then he decides that his staff including himself will go out in a blizzard on foot to treat the patients who cant reach the hospitol by ambulance. This is in the middle of Manhattan. Not some secluded backwater. And when a call comes in for a man unresponsive in the snow, of course two doctors walk right to the man who half buried in a snowdrift with no one around who the hell called it in? No one else was there on the street either. This is one of the busiest and heavily populated areas in the country and snowstorm or not, the would be people on the street.
And some of the doctors just do stupid things that of course only the head of hospitol can fix.