I've never been very interested in super hero themed content. With this show, it feels like the superhero thing is just a small part of making a fantastic show to watch.
For me, what really catches my interest are the characters themselves. The show really fleshes out characters that at first seemed uninteresting or unimportant. It really drives home the feeling that all the characters are independent people who exist outside the main plot without feeling stagnant. I feel like this is helped along by recycling familiar superhero concepts. I don't think Invincible is particularly ground breaking in the hero content department, but in no way does that depreciate its value as entertainment.
I appreciate the use of gore in the show. It's jarring but at the same time, it makes sense. When excessive force, is used in a normal environment, damages happen. People die when bad things happen. That's why they're so bad right? I think animated was an excellent choice to be able to capture the true chaos of super heroes and villains on a society.
I think Invincible is a well balanced show with a very realistic base despite such unrealistic components.
I've read some reviews and some people seem to think that the main protagonist, a teenager, being vulnerable after death and failure is somehow a bad thing? He's dealing with some really messed up stuff that he was wholly unprepared for, so of course he's going to be shaken up and full of doubt. I think it adds to the realism and character development of the show.