The film portrays the story of Oscar Schindler who starts out as a greedy war profiteer with the motive of earning money. But with the onset of the gruesome cruelty of the Holocaust he transforms into a man who is willing to sacrifice the last drop of his fortune in favour of life. The film demonstrates several instances referring to complete stripping of the identities of the Jews. The statistics has been changed into names and faces to ensure that the viewers can make a personal connection with characters on the screen and they can be confronted to experience the horror on a personal level. The victims regain a sense of individuality and uniqueness instead of being put into a group. The whole story is heartfelt at the point of remark- "The List Is Life".
The film has been shot in black and white and Spielberg uses this opportunity to highlight certain key scenes and emotions. One of the strong character in this film is a little girl in red dress who represents the embodiment of life and hope. Besides heavy symbolising, parallel editing is also used to highlight the contrast between the cruelty towards the Jews and the comfort of the Schindler and the Nazis. Itzhak Stern subtly demonstrates Schindler's conscience and influences his morality. Amon Goeth, The leader of the concentration camp with a high respect for Nazi morality visualises us the vivid and horrific situations of the holocaust and expressed his traits of greed and self-centeredness
The final scene depicted in colour represents the Schindler Jews along with the actor counterpart. There were roughly 1200 jews who were saved by Oscar Schindler during Holocaust. Now the "Schindlerjuden" or the "Schindler Jews" are estimated to have over 8500 descendants in the US, Europe and Israel. This is one of the masterpiece created by Steven Spielberg and it went on to win several academy awards.