Love this show. First I would like to give my condolences to the two sons who lost their father. This is my opinion on the killing of the man in prison while handcuffed; each time this type of behavior is videoed and show how people are being murdered will continue especially, when those that have gotten away with doing it in the past. When our justice system which see the same video as the we the public see; and they still come back with a not guilty verdict each time, then what message is that sending to the next person or persons that what to kill. It's saying that it's okay, do whatever you want. Look back at all the killings that have happened before this one. Our justice system is and will always be JACKED UP if we do not change it. They are not going to do anything to that staff of guards or the medical team. In their eyes (Justice system and those that condemn) this type of murder it's OKAY. We as African Americans have watched our loves ones murdered over and over again for far too long. (And of course they get away with it). ITS WRONG.