cant believe that Thomas and Dominik are played by the same person. What a mind-blowing experience to finish watching this whole miniseries in two days. It really changed my perspective about family, mental health, and so many more stuff. Really grateful for everything. They did such a good job. But to be honest, the Drinkwater last scene is kind of off somehow. "I thought you knew it all along" this line really hasn't communicate that level of complexity i would hope for. And some characters seem a little bitter unnecessary to me. Like what the hell is Nedra the character contributing to the progression of this play, and also Dominik's girlfriend. The storyline is kinda loosely organized at the beginning in my opinion, but maybe the writer just wants this kind of rather sophisticated personal history style narrative. It was gentle, intriguing, not too hard to follow, but some plots seem a little like transgressions to me