"[This] urban fantasy revolves around a fast and furious updating of Greek myth. In the distant past, the god Vulcan created a handful of Automatons--metallic but malleable beings capable of soul-sharing with a human being--to serve as protectors of humanity. Now the Automatons are distributed among an eclectic and decidedly eccentric bunch known as the Masters, some of whom are actively plotting against the others..." - Publishers Weekly
"I liked the idea of bringing an epic tale of the gods into the modern world and like any good epic tale, it might touch a nerve or two, which I do consider a good thing." - David Lee Summers, Tales of the Talisman
"This book gave me something I really appreciate in fiction – things to chew on and wonder about. There’s so much it didn’t clarify even as it was telling an excellent tale. I can’t imagine where this is going, and that makes me enormously happy. The narrator encourages you to think the tale is going one way, and then takes it off somewhere entirely different on a number of occassions." - Nimue Brown, Druid Life