There should be more Short films or Movies like this. This is a huge topic going on right now. People who don't feel like they are not in their right body or skin. Getting Bullied or looked at differently. For a child this is pure madness. Cause as a child you aim to fit in at all cost, hoping people or peers don't turn you away or make fun of you. Seeing Allie not liking being called by her old name she was born with. Just wanting to be seen as only Allie, but to have a Father in the Military can be a worse nightmare than being bullied by other children. Then seeing them meet face to face, and Allie wanting to RUN away out of fear of what her own father would say. But instead he walked up to her and hugged her tightly. Proving he loves her no matter what. It's heartwarming to see, there are people that don't care and shows they love you no matter what. This was a very good Short Film.