I love this game so much. The characters I feel have improved so much from the previous games. I felt so invested, not only in the story but in the characters as early as episode one. In the original Life is strange, I was not invested in the characters until the second or third episode.
The setting, oh my goodness the setting. It is so outstandingly beautiful! It's like being in a painting. If you just take the time to admire your surroundings, you'll just find so many details and new details each time you look!
At first I was a bit conflicted on the superpower being emotions but I actually love it. I think it's because how well it was implemented. You can hear the thoughts and feelings of random people around town. You can use these thoughts and feelings to help them. The emotion system makes people feel so human! You SEE the overwhelming anger or sadness a character feels. And it's so unique how Alex's perspective changes when she's seeing the world through someone else's eyes. The world is bleak and gray, the world is fading away and cracked. Such amazing small details.
I personally have enjoyed the story so far. It definitely does not have as many elements of mystery as some have mentioned but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. However I generally get more invested in the characters than the plotline.
One more thing I would like to mention is the overwhelming amount of choices. The 'this choice will have an impact' icon pops up MORE OFTEN THAN NOT which I think is amazing! Even if it's a small impact, I love having an impact on the world. That's what sparked my love for this series in the first place. If you enjoyed the first LIS, I would definitely try this game out!