Chutney revolves around a gruesome connection between food and death. It is up to the viewers to decipher if the story that Anita (Tisca Chopra) is trying to sell to this “other” woman (Rasika Dugal) is just to scare her and keep her away from her husband or the truth. The narrative does the task of killing two birds with one stone, in the way that both the "other" woman and the disobeying servant, Munna, listen to it and have a sense of deep-rooted fear instilled in them. This story has some parallels with Roald Dahl’s “Lamb To The Slaughter” in which the pregnant wife kills her husband with a frozen piece of big lamb bone. She later feeds the investigating officers this same bone as they were looking for the murder weapon. I would recommend you all to give this a watch and interpret the story as you may. Undoubtedly, you will enjoy the ending.