This is awful a complete let down even worse then watching superball halftime shows. Children can draw better backgrounds , scenery is poor I had to take a vision test to make sure I wasn't blind that old medal of honors were comparible to this but those at least they were fun and historically accurate. Spawning next to the other team and dying instantly was alot of fun no sides whatsoever compete mosh pit. World at war , was far superior so much so that almost all the maps in this game are complete retextured and reused who woulda guessed they made the maps look worse , too cartoony . Want to spend money on a better game go buy star wars battlefront 2 , halo 3 , or even left for dead all these 10+ year old games are better smoother and will give you more enjoyment then this sorry excuse of a game . Seriously call of duty this is saddddd..... I'm returning my copy hope I can get a refund!