The star I gave it was too generousExcitement!? Plenty of itSure crazy nuts will try to kill you on the road
Just started watching unhinged which is a Russell Crowe movie came out last year it is a thriller about the subject of road rage. I had not seen it even though we were all locked in our boxes last year oh, I thought it might be a good movie to watch I turned it off after 1/2 hour, reason was you've got a road rage out of control psycho killing people in public oh, and chasing the heroin of our story and nobody calls the cops.
I had to be done with this I was getting in raged over watching this stupid movie. Hey if you want excitement you want violence you want graphic murder this is the one for you,
The whole premise that this woman would not call the police the first time this guy harasses her, in this age of over responsive Karen ism is unbelievable. I don't usually write reviews about things I don't like but I think this is Timely and telling that intelligent people who could write a screenplay would ignore certain responses that would be natural for a woman and her son in a car being harassed by a big guy with a mean truck.