And it's a wrap for me Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season 1! Can't help but give my thoughts on this awesome medical korean drama. Watched 4 years late because I purposely avoided watching a kdrama of medical genre under the presumption that I would get disappointed as an avid and loyal fan of Grey's Anatomy but to my surprise the show didn't disappoint!
I couldn't even compare because it has its own strengths and is entertaining in its own original way. It builds your curiosity at the start while presenting the conflicts and struggles of the characters both slowly but surely making you want to hold on to it until the very end. You wouldn't want to drop your phone because you wanted to know right away what would happen to the characters and to the rest of the story. And oh boy did I get super attached to the characters!!!
Overall, it's a very engaging and purposeful show anyone can relate to irregardless of whether you are a medical professional or not.
I've rarely rewatch or reread any fictional material because I'd rather consume more new materials rather than reconsume something you already did. But, right after finishing this show, my ultimate thought is it's "worth rewatching"!