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I'm so happy to see The Tonight Show bringing back a genuinely funny Jimmy and the original opening for The Roots. I feel energized and happy when the show starts with The Roots and Jimmy's stroll. I understand the need for change in order to keep things fresh. But, I'm just happy The Tonight Show is a pleasure to watch again.
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I've watched Jimmy Fallon ever since he became the Tonight Show host. I've always loved his boyish charm. The shows have been very entertaining and made me laugh almost every night.
Although something seems to have shifted a bit since their big anniversary show.
Some of the skits seem to be a bit darker with a negative vib. He's doing too much sensless back and forth with the Roots, guests and audience. The show just seems to meander.
I understand that he likes to play around with growing his beard and mustache then shaving and having fun with the process. No problems there. But now, he's looking a little scruffy and unkempt. I know he's a hard worker, but maybe he needs to step back and focus on how he wants his show to evolve.
I really loved the way the show used to begin with Jimmy walking his way through New York on his way to "work." I especially loved to hear the Roots playing all the way up to Jimmy's greeting and monologue with Quest Love yelling out the episode number. I feel I got hyped up along with the audience and the show started on a huge high. Now it's just Jimmy coming out from behind the curtain and the Roots playing and singing for about 5 seconds. It's kind of like a balloon popping. One bang and it's over.
I'll stick with watching the show for a while in hope's that the sincere "funny" comes back soon.