I started reading this book to see if it was a good fit for my 8yo son. I ended up reading the whole book in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. As I have a son myself the entire back story and traits of the main character, Arthur Owens was appealing to me. To see into his feelings and thoughts and how he is slowly transforming through his community service, making his own wrong-doing right and letting go of all things weighing his heart down is a whole mind opening, transformative experience on it’s own. In my opinion every child should read this book, especially around the age when they are starting to grow up and have feelings and thoughts even they don’t understand. I genuinely think this story helps to understand that our acts have consequences and even leave tracks and induce changes in our souls long after they’ve been done. And that there is, really so much more than meets the eye! A wonderful story that is not only brilliantly written, but gives so much valuable “building bricks” for a growing (and grownup) personality.