The movie is quite intriguing bordering on the rational and irrational aspect of what human mind is made up of. Rationality in the way the domestic life is portrayed together with the balanced professional lives...irrationality in the way where all sense comes to a halt with both the children (kim and bob) suffers the wrath of a damned teenager(martin). poetic justice plays a dominant role encompassing the story where the protagonist cannot but run away from the cardinal sin of committing murder though in an indirect way.the law of karma where every good deed is rewarded and not a sin goes unpunished is presented dramatically in the best way possible.the movie depicts effortlessly a sense of loss balanced with the personal accomplishment pitted against a heart wrenching situation where a son seeks revege for the death of his father from a doctor accused.its the director's masterpiece where he so effectively brings about a mental clash in the minds of the viewers crying out for pity- both for martin and for steven...