"The Man in the Hat" is a quietly-funny piece of art. It is nearly cartoonist, I keep wondering if this is similar to Pink Panther or some aspect of Mister Bean -- then I just say no, not really. It is very uniquely avant-guard, innocent, earthly and spiritually bizarre. It is the running away and seeking, hiding, music, food, exploring, hills, valleys, losses, retrievals, gains, slumber, sun, nuns, a priest, singers, waiters, races, fights, discernments and enlightenments in a childish way that is still appealing, and one I will watch again at another time.
There are so many symbols littered about this film that I wonder if all of the tall people in it and the overly small car are metaphors? Tall bridges, tiny brooks and streams. Openings and closings. Is this some sort of statement that small accommodations carry large loads in the face of weirdness, differentness, fear and speculation. Through it all, we get dirty, clean up and begin again.