It is the best anime.. I am watching it since I was 8 years old and now I am 14 but still love it. XY and XYZ was my favorite season with amazing Pokemon and LOVE BETWEEN ASH AND SERENA AND THAT KISS AT AIRPORT. But sun and moon is not what I expected from Pokemon.. IT LOOKS MORE LIKE A CARTOON THAN is not like manga and people are not loving it (according to survey) as storyline is not as good as before seasons.. It's becoming more like for small kids but they too don't love this storyline. They also want ,like teens, last seasons Pokemon storyboard, sequences, and passion to watch it. and why Misty was brought again . Only Serena never insulted ash otherwise all other pokegirls insulted him because Sarena loved ash truly. I WANT SERENA TO BE BACK AND ASH TO EXCEPT HER LOVE. The animation should be like anime.Make ash and Serena together... Waiting for that day. If developers of this anime are reading please accept my request .