This was an absolute waste. I absolutely love all things Stephen King, but this was the worst adaptation I’ve ever seen. This failed to do in 9 hours what the 1994 miniseries succeeded in doing in 6 hours...sucking you in to care about these characters. There was no vested interest in this version of these people....and I adore Whoopi, but I also believe she was the wrong choice for Mother Abigail. She lacked the humor, the warmth, the love and the motherly presence needed to BE Mother Abigail. I think it’s a shame that we didn’t get to go through the journey WITH Stu, Larry, Tom, Nick, etc. instead of an epic tale, it felt like a game of Telephone, where the story retold repeatedly loses key elements, and gains useless ones. Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I take my KING STORIES very seriously. And pretty much any fiction.......