Rachel does not report on the real news, just her conspiracy theories. No wonder her ratings have tanked recently. Recently she went after OAN, the real news people. Maybe she should watch them on how to report on the real news of the day. I cannot understand why the management at MSNBC does not step in and make her apologize for some of the statements she reports as truth knowing they are lies. She never goes back and recants the story to her audience. Shame on MSNBC! After three years of acting like the Mueller report would take POTUS 45 down, she is still hanging by a thread. Mueller showed us nothing except for the fact he was the only one who didn't know what was in the Weissman Report, I mean the Mueller report. Like Lisa Page and Crackpot Peter Stzrok said, 'there is no there there.' Go home to your wife Rachel and let real reporters do their job.