Having just watched Article 15, I feel there are certain ambiguities in film, which is otherwise well made and riveting.
Firstly, when cop Brahmdutt shoots dead Anshu, the ruthless and corrupt contractor and his menial help at his home, a woman is shown making parathas for breakfast.The killing takes place in front of her and she is left unharmed.She is a potential witness of the shooting which was bound to be investigated even after Brahmdutt's version that he had killed Anshu in self-defense.
Secondly, the third girl is found injured but alive in a jungle across a near inaccessible waterbody filled with hyacinths and thigh-high muck.There is no explanation as to how she could have reached there and managed to stay alive without food or water after so many days following the discovery of the two raped and murdered dalit girls.
Thirdly, Ayan Ranjan the Police Officer is shown almost throughout the film dressed in a suit and tie,even while making official investigations and rarely in a police uniform as is perhaps customary.
A little more attention to these discrepancies would have been in order.