I tried so hard to finish this book bc I enjoyed the beginning but the further I got into it the more it felt like someone was shoving their political agenda down my throat. Instead of talking about uniting people and being more understanding of each other it just felt like her politics was fueling the fire. I’m pretty conservative but with some liberal views and I kept feeling like if this author ever met me or knew my beliefs she would hate me. It made me so uncomfortable to read this book. I don’t mind at all that the author has more liberal views but when she told the story about this conservative women and her views on the border and how judgmental she was all I could think of is how judgmental glennon sounded. This book stressed me out and just made me feel more anxious. I don’t want to feel angry towards people who feel differently than me but Glennon does. I want to try and be more understanding and compassionate towards people who have different views than me. Two liberal authors that do this do well are brene brown and Gabrielle Bernstein (the universe has your back). These women have more liberal views than I do but I still enjoyed their books bc they talked about still loving others and trying to understand where other people are coming from and showing compassion. She’s obviously a talented writer but I would have loved if this was book was more about uniting people instead of dividing people. It felt very angry but Glennon is human like us all and we all have our work to do I suppose.