Okay, so am done watching the Season 1 (Season 2 not out as of writing this review) and I can safely say that you may skip this one.
The plot surrounds a vigilante who uses biblical commandments as the reason behind "punishing" those who violate these commandments.
The vigilante then posts the specific commandment violated by his/her (see? am not spoiling that either) victims after each felony near the place of crime.
The concept is good, and the actors did a great job portraying the characters they were supposed to. However here's where it fails to impress you:
1) Characters: while the actors really did a great job, fact of the matter is, as the series progresses, you just get a glimpse of everyone involved. There's no "character building" happening anywhere. It's just bits and pieces that don't really come together by the time the season 1 ends. All in all, you are left scratching your head wondering "why did they show that part about the character at all?"
2) Portrayal of Police: the second reason why I was turned off was because the entire police department is portrayed as naive and incompetent in this show. In this day and age of DNA analysis, forensics that expands to technology as well, and technology itself, it's hard to imagine someone running around hurting or killing a lot of people. It's just one person, running around 1 specific area doing the deed, how hard can it be to trace the culprit? There's one other point I can share but that'd be a spoiler, hence skipping it. But the bottomline is that the series portrays the police as a lot that ignores the most obvious clues, there's no actual detective work happening so to speak.
3) Length: You wouldn't mind the length if this series is gripping, but that's not the case. There are a lot of unnecessary portions shown just for the heck of it. They do absolutely nothing to contribute to the climax.
All in all, am rating 2/5 for 2 reasons, 1) the concept 2) the actors and the backend team that does the camera work, graphics, stunts etc. But otherwise, this one's a drag if you ask me.