Well I will start by saying, I just can’t take anything Netflix produces seriously anymore. This over inclusive every colour/gender of the rainbow garbage just spoils anything they may churn out. Netflix must along with other platforms learn that just because one lot of people accept this that, it does not mean everyone has to and if you continue down this path then, expect to lose ratings along with your viewers cos hey, the whole world ain’t gay nor 5 different colour blends and a tonne of different religions, get it through your heads! Nevermind if other seasons of a series does not have this flouted 24/7 in them, somewhere along the line they will creep the shit in just for the sake of being overly inclusive for what they believe are bigger ratings! I mean do they even genuinely look into their viewers data?!! Of course even the new season of the Witcher couldn’t escape this over reach madness. So far sprouting a lesbian servant to white flame and hurling jaskier down a path toward his own sex. Spoiling for fans once more, what was otherwise a good series. What they must learn though is none of what they produce is that good that, people won’t give their platform away. There is just no legitimate reason for identity politics spoiling what, should be a time to sit back and enjoy a decent movie/series without bringing every dilemma from reality into what should be escapism and quality productions! I must say after this and the extreme lack of decent content, and hardly an updated movie in 10 years then, it’s sayonara from me! I’m done with them.