Supergirl is a very overhated Arrowverse series, possibly the most hated so-far (that is, besides 'Batwoman', but that's for another review), and without reason.
Now, if you dislike the show, that's not making you sexist, meaning you're a middle-aged person without anything else to do but hate on such an (amazing) show, or just pissed it doesn't align with the comics. It just seems that most people writing these reviews don't know what the meaning of opinion is. Let me help with that: An opinion is an entitled thought that someone has, and you can't call someone out for it.
Now that we have that sorted out, I believe I should give you my two, three cents:
Supergirl, at times, feels more like a cop-show then a superhero-action series, what with the code-talk, constant computer-hacking, and many references. That's not nesscarily a bad thing, in fact I love it, but it seems a majority of people find it annoying.
The actors are phenomenal. I find them so good that I almost toss my television/device out of the nearest window each time a villain I dislike appears. They normalize awkward situations and make them relatable, which is something I can say is part of the writer's glory.
The CGI is actually very amazing compared to most show's of Supergirl's age, and it makes the show much more believable. There are so many great factors about this show I'm afraid I can't list them.
I can't find a single horrible thing to say about this show. Stop being a critic and be super.
#Supergirl is spectacular!