Disappointed, I absolutely loathe to say.
This film was absolutely fantastic, just as it is horrible. The cinematography was impeccable, the acting was great, and there were a few fantastic scenes. It pains me to say that’s the best I could say about this movie. The songs, per Lady Gaga always, delivered great mood to the story, but were so hard to distinguish from the real world. You could almost never tell when a song was sung out loud or purely in the heads of the characters unless something dramatic proved it. Some plots were completely unnecessary like Lee getting pregnant: brought up maybe twice, then never heard of again. While the film aims to recreate that energy that made the first one so compelling, it comes off as a bit much, and lacks the same energy. As for the ending, spoilers ahead, I find it difficult to distinguish if it was artistic or anti-climactic. Perhaps a bit of both, but still it leaves us with so many unanswered questions. Who was the visitor Arther was going to meet? What the fuck happened to Lee’s baby???
I loved Joker so much, and it makes me so sad to say that this didn’t live up to my expectations.
(Also, There were like 5 scenes in the trailer that weren’t even in the film? What??)