I would not have been aware of the book if not for Raoul Peck's gripping documentary. The source material for this film is a sociological achievement, which effectively disassembles the historical mythology of western society, distilling its essence to a straight forward philosophical notion. This precept boils down to the willingness to exterminate all non-white races justified by the pseudo-scientific notion of racial superiority. It is about extinction as a wholesale business model and how lucrative it has been for the west to pursue this agenda, literally and institutionally. It stands as the key missing ingredient of Jared Diamond's Gun, Germs and Steel. Where Diamond's novel / documentary attempts to explain the success of European's as a byproduct of various warfare innovations, Peck and Lindqvist get to the heart of the matter. The willingness to commit mass genocide in pursuit of imperialist goals. This is the key to understanding the level of atrocities committed by the west against the rest of the world. It is the ideal that the lives of others are less than yours that has lead to an ongoing policy of "Extermination all the Brutes." At the end of the documentary, Peck leaves you with a rhetorical which is both a statement and a question to ponder. I found myself in agreement with his conclusive statement; no, we do not lack the knowledge, we have known the reason all along. It is the west and the white race who has largely chosen to remain conveniently ignorant, succumbing to the lure of institutional superiority as justification, and not earned superiority. Dominance and conquering are emphasized over harmony, compassion and equilibrium. Furthermore, it is people of color who have chosen not to participate in world domination and subjugation as a business model. I find it perversely amusing that this system of human consumption in pursuit of capital gains has now come home to many white people. They too have fallen victim to their own sociopathic agenda. As a thought experiment, I often wonder what would have happened if the exterminationist had succeeded in eliminating all of the non-white races? I'm sure the white race would have no choice, but to consume itself. Evidence for this is seen in how Irish were treated by Great Britain before the great migration. Or the amount of white people killed by fellow white people in the great wars. The philosophical concept of superiority in races or ethnicities is scientifically flawed and deeply destructive to the human species regardless of race. This eloquent film places all of these realizations within the framework of a captivating thought-provoking work of motion art. One to surely watch, and watch again.