Had heard so much of the film from its debut at Cannes and success there, and Trump trying to ban it and sue the producers from its release in the US, once he learned it was an unflattering portrayal.
The film is a must see for those who don’t know how Trump was mentored by the evil, corrupt, lawyer Roy Cohn who tried to hide behind his homosexuality during the McCarthy communist era and denying rights and blackballing people who were just like him. An Oscar worthy performance!
Trump himself (if he chooses to see the film), has to be flattered by the portrayal of himself by the handsome Sebastian Stan, another Oscar performance. He portrayed Trump’s naivety in his first meeting with Cohn, which surprised me that Trump could even be this way! With Trump’s desire for fame and riches, it didn’t take long to absorb Cohn’s wisdom of “ Attack, Deny, and Win at all costs” then eventually casting Cohn aside after his usefulness was over.