As compared to god of war 2018 the new spear they added is just too op. Personally I taught it'll be the same god of war with a continuing storyline but once you start playing the basic gamplay (weapons control) have been maintained but they added new features like climbing some walls easier and faster with the chains, and using the spear to create a route those are huge update not available in GOW 2018, after finishing the storyline, we still have like 6 endless battle modes in musphleim on the main sword without counting the the 9 sub battle mode on 3 sub swords, we also have the berserker guys who replaced the valkyrie battle as post story battles but they didn't forgot to add a valkyrie queen to fight against for those who like tough battles she's the strongest enemy in the game (since at normal mode she kills in 3 shots/hit). To sum up if you've like god of 2, 3 or 2018 then this raganrok is a convenient and enjoyable way to continue your insight into the mythology of gods