It's a good game I rated 3 stars because I wish there was just a tiny bit more. It's probably just me being greedy for more these amazing creators have to offer. However with the new season 2 update I wish instead of sailing by yourself you could choose to sail with a fleet of your personal ships you've crafted for instance a 3 man team so your not always being jumped by NPC's during events. I feel like it would be cool if they had solo events so that you could choose to fight alongside your own ships without worry of other players coming in but the option to still play public raids is still around. That would be a cool feature and also Large ships! I hope they drop a Large ship soon because there aren't any just yet! But all the Medium ships they've made are really cool! Now finally another feature I'd think is really cool is if they had land combat or something to fight alongside your fellow pirates and your right hand can control your ship and fight off shore. I think that would be pretty cool. If you haven't played this game yet I do recommend giving it a try and oh! Lastly I feel like the tutorial needs a big fix. In a way it's kind of complicated and hard to follow at first I feel like it should be easier for beginners to follow. In the beginning I almost gave up because of it but I'm glad I didn't!