Although the movie was very cute, funny, and shows inclusion for someone who is “different “.
I strongly disagree with showing suicidal thoughts and suicidal actions being shown to children!
Yes, mental health is a rising issue that does not get the proper recognition it needs. But there are SEVERAL other ways of portraying this and showing how to manage without showing the main character attempting to kill herself!
If she wasn’t stopped by someone who cared for her, then it would have happened. And to a child watching, it shows, if no one is there to care and stop it from happening, it will!
Pushing the LGBT+ agenda is getting out of hand as there are now more kid shows with it than without it now. Making it look as if you aren’t part of the agenda then you are wrong.
My 6 year old shouldn’t even be thinking about kissing anyone much less their gender.
To each their own and no judgement for personal choices.