I liked the original MW3 so was excited for this remake however it seems as if the developers don't even play the game. The multi-player is riddled with bugs. I'd wait to buy this until this is improved.
>teams can converge on an enemy spawn area and keep them locked in... it's unreal how terrible that design is.
>you can get kicked for "inactivity" while sniping and actively playing the game. It only recognized if you moved areas, so if you stay in one area as a sniper you'll get kicked
>PC and console players in the same lobby isn't close to being fair. PC has such a huge movement and visual advantage.
>You can just run and jump over claymores???
>Skill match making seems off... tons of 30-40 point different games.
>Game seems to be based on the running as fast as you can meta.
>I can't imagine worse UI design. It's a mess
Many more issues, just check any review. It's not worth right now until the start fixing issues.