I have read many of the reviews listed here and a few things become very clear:
1. People who eat meat REALLY don't want to hear about how our obsession with it has changed the way we produce it. 90+% comes from institutional farms and 25% of it is allowed to test positive for bacteria when put on store shelves! That's not bad science or bad studies. That's fact!
2. You can bash how the study was done or presented, but the real stories of the restauranteur, the retired chicken farmer and the NY Mayor are NOT made up. They are real stories that can't be disputed and to me, they present HOPE that we can do things to reverse the trend of over producing.
3. Let's take the extremes out of the conversation. If this study convinces even half the people who watch it to change their eating habits and replace a portion of their diet with more plant-based substitutes, it will be healthier for them and healthier for the planet. How can that be a bad thing!