Terribly written movie with many plot holes. To begin with, isn’t it illegal for a private company to place their cameras on private property and in foreign countries? Yet this company does this anyway! The star and hero steals a kayak in the middle of a night and heads out far into the water and past the safety markets on a foggy night with no life jacket. Seriously? She then sells out her childhood friend by letting him get chased as a target on new untested searching software that makes a game for all of her followers to track this guy who does not want to talk to her and is already being harassed by the Circle. This ultimately ends up in a chase scene and he is killed in a car accident. The heroine grieves a full 3 days and takes no responsibility for her role in his death. This movie pushes mandatory voting registration and voting with an app as well as all financial transactions being handled with this same app. It pushes the idea that cameras be placed everywhere and any privacy of any activity in one’s life is because you have something to hide and that no privacy is ever needed with the exception of 3 minute bathroom breaks.
So many stupid scenes in this movies and young people should be insulted that Hollywood thinks it’s audience would not detect the departure from reality. Do not waste your time! Hollywood get out of politics and do your job which is to entertain! No more EW, TH, or PO for me on anything ever.