God help Americans if Javien's (Jaybies) mother gets elected. She is unable to listen and therefore unable to represent anyone's point of view except her own. I can understand her children's views on her supporting Trump. The main thing I recognized was that she lacks compassion--a serious flaw he also shares. They both also believe they can be right just by endlessly repeating anything, with no evidence to prove it.
My heart went out to Jaybie. He is hurting so desperately by his mother's attitudes toward him and the lack of any display of approval or love. It was shocking to see her also treat her daughter with the same disdain.
Why didn't you remove her from the stage and let the expert and Jaybie and his sister voice their views and opinions? It was insufferable. Come on Dr. Phil, you are the professional, you are supposed to be the knowledgeable in charge leader on this show. I wanted to hear what they had to say. His mother said everything she had to say in the first 5 minutes and then dominated the conversation, endlessly repeating the same things. Give these kids another chance. Thank You, Bonnie Galloway