This is a reasonably entertaining religious horror film. It deals with the immediate aftermath of a variation of the Rapture and subsequent Tribulations. It follows the Book of Revelations in a cursory way, taking it as a blueprint for a horror/disaster film. The movie falls apart near the end where it gets very preachy, while not addressing some of the more interesting issues (like what happens to the billions of people who have faith but are not part of whatever subset of Christians believes in this interpretation of the Christian God). I appreciated that the filmmakers leaned in to Christian myth, in the sense there is no other explanation for what is happening, but feel a lot of interesting questions and potential for drama was missed (why not have a devout Muslim hook up with our protagonists, to provide a counter-point or other world view to what is happening)? For a low budget film, it is fairly well shot and captures the feel of its "end of the world" story well. Performances vary, but are at worst adequate. Overall, if you like religiously themed horror, found footage films or disaster/end of the world movies, I would give it a watch. Just be warned that the message gets very simplistic and very preachy in the third act.