Seeing that AMC was doing the Mayfair Witch book - Witching Hour, I was so excited. But after just watching the first 15 minutes I realized that, Oh My God, their not, (the writers), evening getting the casting right. Rowan Mayfair is an ash blond character; for a reason - as in that Rowan is a direct descendant of the Talamascan agent Van Abel. He saved, back in the 1600's, Susanne's daughter Deborah (in Donalath Scotland); brought her to Amsterdam and who (Deborah) married a Nobleman from France and then Van Abel Fathered her daughter Charlotte who left France for Haiti. Van Abel was also a witch himself and had a distinctive physical appearance. He was a stud. Rowan, and others in the Mayfair family are constantly referred by the Author as looking like their very Great Grandfather Van Abel the Talamascan agent in the 1600's. Rowan in particular. Not to mention she is a strong willed women and powerful. The casting of the actress does not look as Anne Rice wrote her and nor does the actress play her as as strong willed character. Lets not even mention the other 2nd most important character of the book: Michael Curry (who is a misplace Mayfair great grandson of Julian Mayfair and also of Rowan). AMC should cancel this farce and the entire cast and writers and start fresh. Chris Rise where the hell are you in this production.