this move made me feel like you know when your sitting on the toilet. After holding in a poop that makes your stomach hurl to the point where you can’t just do the thing and push the poop down for latter. And where you have to go now or it’s going to happen in your pants. And you proceeded to the toilet and release your poop but your stomach is in so much pain and you start sweating and closing your eyes, but then it goes away and you feel so relieved, but then you stand up to whip and out of nowhere your stomach starts to feel like it’s eating itself again so you sit back down again and try and push out a turd but nothing comes out. And you sweat again and then go through the 7 stages of grief. And it just feels like it’s never ending and you just sit there for a long time waiting for your stomach to stop hurling and for your butthole to stop trying to push out a non existent poop. But it’s too far for you to turn back and you just continue to push through and you finally get to the end, what a relief, but it’s not over because there is still the “flabbergasted” stage where your butthole is burning and you have to stay awake all night pooping and pushing out the non existent turd, well that’s what it was like watching this move, except with a lot of NON NEEDED GORE AND DETAIL.